pátek 19. března 2010

Errors during ./configure

I was trying to compile Midnight-Commander from source and get it to run. I downloaded the source files using GIT and than went to the project folder and run the ./configure script. Because it was on my newly installed OpenSuse machine I run into following errors and solved them by installing required components:

maint/autopoint: line 421: /usr/share/gettext/archive.tar.gz: No such file or directory
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
cvs checkout: cannot find module `archive' - ignored
find: `archive': No such file or directory
find: `archive': No such file or directory
find: `archive': No such file or directory
autopoint: *** infrastructure files for version 0.14.3 not found; this is autopoint from GNU gettext-tools 0.17
autopoint: *** Stop.

-> install gettext-tools

./autogen.sh: line 55: aclocal: command not found

-> install autogen & automake

./autogen.sh: line 48: libtoolize: command not found

-> install libtool

checking for GLIB... no
configure: error: glib-2.0 not found or version too old (must be >= 2.8)

-> install glib2-devel

checking for slang/slang.h... no
configure: error: Slang header not found

-> Install slang and slang-devel

After that I was able to run MAKE and the run the compiled project.

čtvrtek 11. března 2010

System.IO.PathTooLongException while opening InfoPath forms in SharePoint

When opening a InfoPath form in SharePoint, you may get int he ULS log the following exception:

Unhandled exception when rendering form System.IO.PathTooLongException:
The specified file or folder name is too long. The URL path for all files and folders must be 260 characters or less (and no more than 128 characters for any single file or folder name in the URL). Please type a shorter file or folder name.

Some general info about the exception can be found here.

It is caused by the MSO-INFOPATHSOLUTION directive in the head of the xml definition of the form. The attribute HREF of this directive can not exceed the size of 260 characters.

Our InfoPath forms where designed as InfoPath 2003 forms, and the HREF attribute was really long:

but if you strip it down, you can see that a simple link to the file is enough.


The forms designed in InfoPath 2007 do not generate the href attribute that long. Also note if you just want the forms to open in the client application(InfoPath), you can set this on the advanced settings of the Document Library, in which the forms are contained. But even there, if there would be link to the file outside of this library, or if you will access the direct link, SharePoint will always try to open it in Web Browser.

This forum post had led me to the solution:

pondělí 8. března 2010

WSS Tracing Service stoped - how to get the LOG info?

Sometimes in the SharePoint LOG, you can get the following information and nothing else:

Service lost trace events.

This happens when the Windows SharePoint Tracing Service is halted or not working. Usually you can just restart the service, but sometimes it won't work. The you can try to run TaskManager and end the process called "wsstracing.exe".

If that is not going to work you can restart the Internet Information Server or the whole Server.

But sometimes it is not possible - in the production department when you need the information of some actual error.

In this situation I use great tool called SPTraceView. This tool will attach itself as online listener to the SharePoint ULS and will capture the errors and messages for you. You can just run it and there is no need to restart the server or IIS.

sobota 6. března 2010

Which Linux install in Virtual PC on Windows 7

Because I needed Linux for some school projects regarding opensource development I have decided to install it as Virtual Machine to Virtual PC.

First advice - Linux guests are officially not supported for MS Windows Virtual PC, if you really don't need it don't do it.

Second advice - Virtual PC supports hosting 64bit operating systems (but as Linux is not supported only Windows) - but in some cases I found that I was able to run only 32 bit version (OpenSuse, Fedora).

What I have tried so far

Ubuntu 9.10 - installation ok, but ater "Segmentation fault". After increasing memory amount from 800Mb to 1024Mb the os started, but the performance was REALLY slow. Here is a possible workaround which I didn't tested.

Fedora 12
  • version i686. I was not able to boot the disk. The screen just blanked at went of.
  • version i386. The installation started but after selecting "Install or upgrade" the virtual machine went off.
  • version x86_64. this version told me, that I can not use 64bit os on 32bit platform (I'am on 64 bits)

Debian 5.04 - Version i386 net install - after starting the installation the virtual pc went off.

  • version x86_64 - this version told me, that I can not use 64bit os on 32bit platform (I'am on 64 bits)
  • Version i586 installed fine, but after the "1st configuration" did not finish and system did not boot up correctly.

Mandriva 2010 - version i586 - the installation did not start correctly

Slackware 13 - installation ok, it works now, but so far in the textmode.

UPDATE: ok now it works fine with GNOME.

4 basic steps:

1) Install GNOME version for Slackware.
2) Run xorgsetup to configure the XSERVER
3) Run xwmconfig to configure which X manager do you want to use - select GNOME.
4) Run xinit to start X Server

To Install KDE you just need to add the KDEBASE packages (eg. from GNOME start the package management tool).

If you want to use bigger resolution than 800x600(which is default), than you will have to modify your xorg.conf file, details can be found here:

OK - I was able to get Ubuntu tu run - but realllly slow. Slackware is so far working without a problem.